Department of Multimedia & Graphic Design and Animation

Like the Bachelor’s degree in Film and Television, the new UG programme `BA Graphic Design and Animation (BGA)’ was designed by Chetana College in 2019. With the approval from the University, our college has put this programme on track for the first time in the University in the year 2020. Mr. Razi Muhammed MFA, artist, designer and filmmaker, was at the helm as the HOD of BGA. In 2023 College established the Department of Multimedia. Both BGA and Multimedia department works together. Presently Ms. Athira K M is the Head of both Departments.

The BGA and Multimedia department took two initiatives at the very outset: setting up the Multimedia lab and the Fine Arts Studio. The Multimedia Lab has the capacity to accommodate around 30 computer systems, desktops or laptops. The Lab is equipped with the latest software. There is always a push from the side of the College, as a policy, to encourage more Open software and free software applications.

Perhaps BGA and Multimedia are the most sophisticated department at Chetana, with a clear focus on familiarizing the fast growing ideas and technologies in design, animation and special effects. But, the Department makes it a point to instill the spirit of originality and creative imagination into any projects that students undertake as part of their curricular and co-curricular activities. Chetana Fine Arts Studio offers an incubation period for the students of BGA, a time to test their handiwork, to unearth the raw art they have in themselves before they totally immerse themselves into the world of the latest hardware and software.

Head of Department

Mr. Athira K M

Faculty Members

Ms. Nicole Maria Gomes ,Mr NIkhil Mathew, Mr. Sreekanth K, Ms.Reena A R, Ms.Athira Jose